Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi

When is Corpus Christi 2022?

Corpus Christi is a Christian festival where Christians honor the Holy Body of Christ. A Latin phrase of Corpus Christi refers to the body and blood of Christ, and it is also known as Corpus Domini. The festival is celebrated differently among Christians in different regions of the world. The standard part is that bread and wine are usually offered as a symbol of the Body and Blood of Christ in his Communion.

It is a celebration that has been honored by many Christians, especially the Catholic Church, since 1246 in honor of the Eucharist. This event commemorates the Last meal of the day before Jesus' crucifixion, as described in the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church mainly celebrates this day, but it also included in the calendar of some Anglican churches.

Texas has a city of Corpus Christi, named after the day "Corpus Christi." In 1519, Spanish explorer Alonzo Alvarez de Pineda explored a lush semi-tropical bay on this day. The inlet and the city later developed in that area and practiced the name of the feast day. The other name of the town is "Sparkling City by the Sea."

How Do People celebrate Corpus Christi?

In commemoration of the Last feast of the day before Jesus' crucifixion, many people, especially those of the Catholic denomination, get Communion on this day. It is observed on Sunday next to Trinity Sunday in some parts of the United States, although in other places, the day falls on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.

Some people, especially children, may celebrate their first Communion on this day. This method is also known as Eucharist. It observed throughout the life of a Christian and is a time of worship when people believe that they come together to remember and celebrate the life and works of Jesus Christ. It includes the taking of bread and wine in memory of Christ's body and blood.

Corpus Christi Facts:

  • A 12th-century nun, St. Juliana of Mount Cornillion (Belgian), initiated the effort to introduce a feast day for the Blessed Sacrament. She reportedly had thought of the Church as a bright full moon with one dark spot, which she interpreted as the lack of a feast for the ceremony. Pope Urban IV declared the Corpus Christi's Feast in the mid 13th century.
  • The priest was the single person who received the ingredients in the Middle Ages. The gathering watched him eat the bread and drink the wine.
  • The Corpus Christi's Feast held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. In Western Christianity, it originally celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church. Some churches have introduced the service to the following Sunday. The day celebrates the foundation of the Blessed Sacrament or Holy Communion.

Corpus Christi Observances

Year Date Day Holiday
2024 30 May Thu Corpus Christi
2023 8 Jun Thu Corpus Christi
2022 16 Jun Thu Corpus Christi
2021 3 Jun Thu Corpus Christi
2020 11 Jun Thu Corpus Christi
2019 20 Jun Thu Corpus Christi

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Corpus Christi Facts



June 16, 2022

Quick Schedules

This Year Thursday, 30 May, 2024
Last Year Thursday, 8 Jun, 2023
Type Observences

Religious Holidays