Islam Festivals

Islam Festivals


Milad Un Nabi
Milad Un Nabi

All Muslims across the world observe Milad un Nabi, also known as The Prophet's Birthday. The holiday commemorates the bi.....

ISLAM Festivals and Holidays in 2024

Year Date Day Holiday
2024 7 Feb Wed Lailat Al Miraj
2024 25 Feb Sun Lailat Al Baraah
2024 11 Mar Mon Ramadan Start
2024 6 Apr Sat Laylat Al Kadr
2024 10 Apr Wed End of Ramadan
2024 15 Jun Sat Waqf Al Arafa Hajj
2024 16 Jun Sun Eid al-Adha
2024 7 Jul Sun Hijra - Islamic New Year
2024 17 Jul Wed Day of Ashura Muharram
2024 15 Sep Sun Milad Un Nabi