New Brunswick Holidays

New Brunswick Holidays


Family Day
Family Day

Every year Family Day is observed on the 3rd Monday of February. The reason to celebrate Family Day is to bring families .....

Good Friday
Good Friday

Good Friday is the day commemorated by Christians when Jesus was crucified, who plays a fundamental role in the Christian.....

Victoria/Patriots' Day
Victoria/Patriots' Day

Victoria Day celebrates in honor of the birth of Queen Victoria and the summer season begins. This holiday is held on the.....


Year Date Day Holiday
2021 1 Jan Fri New Years Day
2021 15 Feb Mon Family Day
2021 2 Mar Tue Good Friday
2021 24 May Mon Victoria/Patriots' Day
2021 1 Jul Thu Canada Day
2021 2 Aug Mon New Brunswick Day
2021 6 Sep Mon Labor Day
2021 11 Oct Mon Thanksgiving Day
2021 11 Nov Thu Remembrance Day
2021 25 Dec Sat Christmas Day
2021 26 Dec Sun Boxing Day
2022 1 Jan Sat New Years Day

2021 New Brunkswick Holidays Information:

CalendarHolidays provides you with a list of 2025 statutory holidays in New Brunswick that are distinct from national holidays observed across Canada. New Brunswick is the third least populous region and one of the four Atlantic provinces of Canada. Its capital is Fredericton, which lies in the west-central part of New Brunswick and Saint John River. After Moncton and Saint John, New Brunswick is the third-largest city in the province. New Brunswick's area is mostly forested, and its utmost land is further from the coast, providing a harsh atmosphere.

Its name originated from the first nations of the Algonquian linguistic group in 1784 to honor the British Monarch, a Duke of Brunswick, King George III. The largest city is Moncton in New Brunswick, situated in the Petitcodiac River Valley. Moncton has acquired the name Hub City as its central inland area in the province and was established in 1766 with Pennsylvania German immigrants' arrival to Philadelphia. Irving group of companies regulated most of the economy, which have essential holdings in distinct fields such as farming, forestry, freight transport, media, oil, food processing, and shipbuilding.

It is more likely that people are more willing to know about their province of New Brunswick's statutory holidays than holidays from other regions. All holidays are described with real facts about the specific festival so that you can understand how and why people celebrate a particular holiday. There are five national statutory holidays and five provincial statutory holidays in New Brunswick. Some specific holidays are only observed in New Brunswick, such as New Brunswick Day, celebrated on the first Monday in August. It's a provincial statutory holiday in New Brunswick, but this day is similar to Civic Day in other Canadian provinces.

These online calendars display all New Brunswick holidays, festivals, and other celebrations to make your planning easier. You can use our 2025 New Brunswick holiday calendar and customize it to your needs. Download it in a printable online format, including Word, Excel, PDF.