2023 Ontario Holidays

2023 Ontario Holidays


Family Day
Family Day

Every year Family Day is observed on the 3rd Monday of February. The reason to celebrate Family Day is to bring families .....

Good Friday
Good Friday

Good Friday is the day commemorated by Christians when Jesus was crucified, who plays a fundamental role in the Christian.....

Victoria/Patriots' Day
Victoria/Patriots' Day

Victoria Day celebrates in honor of the birth of Queen Victoria and the summer season begins. This holiday is held on the.....


Year Date Day Holiday
2023 1 Jan Sun New Years Day
2023 20 Feb Mon Family Day
2023 7 Apr Fri Good Friday
2023 22 May Mon Victoria/Patriots' Day
2023 1 Jul Sat Canada Day
2023 4 Sep Mon Labor Day
2023 9 Oct Mon Thanksgiving Day
2023 25 Dec Mon Christmas Day
2023 26 Dec Tue Boxing Day
2024 1 Jan Mon New Years Day

2023 Ontario Holidays Information:

CalendarHolidays provides you with a list of 2025 statutory holidays in Ontario that are distinct from national holidays observed across Canada. Ontario is the most populated and second-largest province of Canada by area. It is the fourth largest jurisdiction in the Country after including territories. Ontario has two regions: Northern Ontario and another is Southern Ontario. The bulk of Ontario's population and arable land lies to the south.

In contrast, almost Ontario's northern part is filled with cold winters and heavy vegetation. The largest city and capital of Ontario are Toronto, which is the highest population hub. Canada's banking and financial sector are located here. The information technology sector is found exclusively in Silicon Valley, North Ottawa, a residence of Canada's largest technology park.

Ontario's name was originally founded after Lake Ontario, which originated from Huron, which implies a great lake. The climate of Ontario differs by area and season. The leading manufacturing province in Canada is Ontario. Mainly pulp and paper produced from mining and forest industries are essential to northern Ontario's economy. Tourism plays a primary role in the economy of Ontario.

It is more likely that people are more willing to know about their province, Ontario's statutory holidays, than holidays from the other areas. All holidays are described with real facts about the specific festival to understand how and why people celebrate the holiday. There are five federal statutory holidays, four provincial statutory holidays, and one municipal holiday in Ontario. Some specific holidays are only observed in Ontario, such as August Civic Day, celebrated on the last Monday before 25th May every year. This day is recognized with other names in Ontario: Colonel By Day, John Galt Day, and Simcoe Day.

These online calendars display all Ontario holidays, festivals, and other celebrations to make your planning easier. You can use our 2025 Ontario holiday calendar and customize it to your needs. Download it in a printable online format, including Word, Excel, PDF.